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Dec 20, 2010

"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"? - Have some more !...

  • HT:NewsRealBlog. "Enough, Enough, Enough": 3-Year-Old Catholic Confronts Islamic Terrorists as His Parents Lay Dead.One month has passed since the massacre of Catholic Christians by Islamists in Our Lady of Deliverance Church in Baghdad. As Christians throughout the world celebrate Advent, which represents the awaiting of the birth of the Christ Child, word is spreading of Adam, a little Catholic boy who, at the tender age of three years old, stood up courageously to the Muslim aggressors in the midst of carnage.Frances Cardinal George, the outgoing president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, included Adam's story in his final remarks to the USCCB in November:Now, at the end of last month, on the vigil of the feast of All Saints, in the Syriac Catholic Cathedral of our Lady of Deliverance in the city of Baghdad, many dozens of Catholics were killed as they gathered for Mass. Two were priests: one was killed at the altar and the other as he left the confessional. They are joined in death with hundreds of others who have died for their faith in Christ since the current conflict began. An American Dominican Sister, a friend of a friend, has written from that country: "Waves of grief have enveloped their world, surging along the fault lines created in Iraqi society by the displacement of thousands of Iraq's Christian minority who have fled what is clearly a growing genocidal threat"One survivor was asked by a reporter, what do you say to the terrorists? Through his tears he said, "We forgive you."- Among the victims of this senseless tragedy was a little boy named Adam. Three-year-old Adam witnessed the horror of dozens of deaths, including that of his own parents. He wandered among the corpses and the blood, following the terrorists around and admonishing them, "enough, enough, enough." According to witnesses, this continued for two hours until Adam was himself murdered.- As bishops, as Americans, we cannot turn from this scene or allow the world to overlook it.At three years old, children are beginning to learn from their parents about crossing the street safely and about being careful around strangers. It is at this age that children begin to ask "why" questions.Little Adam surely knew, as is demonstrated by his actions, that there is no reasonable answer to the question "why" as his parents and others lay dead. It was clear to Adam that a horrible injustice had been done. Adam's ability to reason was developed enough to recognize blatant injustice. His courage prompted him to act upon what reason had informed his conscience of.The fact that this little Catholic boy, young though he was, used reason in such a courageous manner in the face of Islamic fundamentalists is also notably consistent with the message of the Vatican in regard to Islam and how Christians should deal with Muslims in daily life.Hmmm....When will the civilised world as a whole say "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"? Read the full story here.

Have some more !...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Alex.
Finally got here.
These are the kind of cases that really piss me off !Real men killing a child ,scum of the Earth i call them,they should be roasted slowly on an open fire.Convention of Geneva doesn't count in these cases, these are not soldiers, soldiers don't act like this animals do.