According to a legend, the castle of a wizard was situated on Rtanj Mountain, in which a great treasure was guarded. However, the castle has disappeared and on the peak Siljak, there is a now little chapel dedicated to St. George. It was built in 1932 by the wife of a former local miner. Today, the chapel is in ruins, as it was partly destroyed by dynamite, when treasure hunters tried to find the hidden gold.
Today, there is an initiative to reconstruct the chapel.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Priča o zlatu i draguljima u utrobi planine,koja je vezana za legendu o navodno dvorcu čarobnjaka koji je postojao na ovom mestu i bio visok koliko i sama planina,u kome je čuvano ogromno blago,zbog čega je i donela mnogo nevolje ovoj lepotici. Mnogi neumorni i neumoljivi tragači su u nekoliko navrata dinamitom razrušili i kapelicu posvećenu Svetom Đorđu. U stvari gore su i ostaci crkvice-kapele,koju je pre Drugog svedskog rata podigla Greta
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