Rudnik "RTANJ" i porodica MINH
Rudnik "RTANJ" i porodica MINH
Gospodin Samuilo Minh je sa svojim sinovima 1870.g.stigao iz Moravske u Paraćin. Tu je otvorio modernu tekstilnu fabriku, koja je veoma dobro radila. Istovremeno je počeo đa se interesuje i za rudarstvo. Došli su na Rtanj, formirali firmu »Braća Minh" i počeli sa istraživanje 1902. otvorili su rudnik "Rtanj",a odmah zatim izgradili i prateća postrojenja: separaciju, električnu centralu, rudničku železnicu, flotaciju...
Ubrzo su otvorili privatnu školu za decu radnika i službenika, udobne stanove za činovnike i radnike(radnika je bilo: Slovenaca, Hrvata, Nemaca, Mađara, Rusa...), zdravstvenu ambulantu, bolnicu, bioskop, kafanu...
Posle smrti Samuila, gazdovanje nad rudnikom su preuzeli sinovi: na čelu sa najstarijim Juliusom Minhom. On je bio oženjen Gretom, Austrijankom jevrejskog porekla. Nišu imali dece, pa je ona velika pažnju poklanjala deci rudara. Povodom većih praznika i slavlja delila im je pakete sa odećom i hranom.
Porođica Minh je pomogla izgradnju škola u selu Mirovu i Rujištu, odakle je bilo i najviše radnika u rudniku.
Tu u samom rudničkom naselju podigli su park, površine 40-ak hektara se oko 150 vrsta drveća, rastinja i drugog cveća. Duž koloseka, kuda su prolazili vagoneti, bi1o je posađeno 3200 ruža, tako da se ugalj nije video od ruža. (O tome je pričao rudnički vrtlar pok. Bogoljub Vidojević, koji je sve do zatvaranja rudnika, pa i kasnije iako penzioner, vodio brigu o preostalim biljkama i stazama u parku).
Pošto su i sportu poklanjali veliku pažnju, vlasnici rudnika su 1935.g. izgrađili i Sokolski dom (zgrada i danas postoji).
1931. godine Julius Minh je izvršio samoubistvo, jer u to vreme zbog više sile nije mogao da ispuni obećanje, dato radnicima. Rudnik su preuzeli njegova supruga Greta i njegova dva brata Aleksandar i Adolf.
Supruga Greta je u znak sećanja na supruga podigla spomen kapelu n avrhu Rtnja (na visini od 1560 m). Na njenoj gradnji mahom su radili rudari, kojima je ona sve isplatila, kao da su u rudniku radili. U njoj je "ugrađeno" oko 1000 časova rada. Kapela je osvećena 19.5.1934. Odolevala je vremenu sve do 1990. kada su je moderni vandali srušili.
Za vreme II svetskog rata rudnik je bio pod Nemcima. Adolf Minh (jedan od braće, izvršio je samoubistvo 1941. Gospođa Minh se sklonila kod prijatelja u susednom selu Ilinu. Tu je i umrla i sahranjena 1951., ali je njene ostatke posle nekoliko godina preneo u Beograd, njen dever, Aleksandar ( moj deda ) Minh, koji je tamo živeo do 1977. g. gde je i sahranjen.
Potomci porodice Minh danas žive u Meksiku, Engleskoj, Austriji ... ( i u Israelu !! )
Dopis Rade Živković, kustosa muzeja u Boljevcu
August 13, 2008 This year as well there was a great interest in the traditional tea leaves harvest on Mt Rtanj. Together with expert guides, numerous guests from various parts of Serbia went out to the meadows of Rtanj, at an altitude of over 1,000 meters and picked up the leaves of this plant, which, according to locals, has aphrodisiac properties and boosts up energy and intellectual capacities. Jelena Gligoric has more. Mt Rtanj is the last mountain in the Carpathian chain, one of the three biggest mountain massifs in Europe. It is situated in eastern Serbia and famous geographer Jovan Cvijic depicted it as one of the most beautiful and the most conspicuous mountains in this part of Serbia. At issue is a magnificent massif in the shape of a pyramid, which dominates its surroundings. Locals will tell you that is by no means accidental, as legend has it that this mountain hides rich treasure, which used to be concealed in the castle of a magician who lived there. This story was probably triggered by the fact that before the Second World War, there was a mine on MtRtanj which was owned by Julius Minh, who was of Jewish origin. The memory of him and his wife Greta has been cherished through generations, as they were very noble people. They built a chapel dedicated to St George on the Siljak peak, which, at an altitude of 1,570 meters, represents the highest cote of Mt. Rtanj. This mountain is said to be a paradise for nature lovers. Thanks to the fact that there are no big tourist resorts nearby, Mt Rtanj boasts an almost pristine countryside. This is a mountain that has not been commercialized, so it is visited by those who want to get to know nature in its essence. The mountain also boasts various rare plant species. Interestingly enough, the northern and southern side of the mountain differ a lot in terms of flora and fauna. The northern slopes rise steeply and sharply from the Crna Reka (Black River) valley, while birds of prey nest in the almost upright karst rocks. The climate there is more severe than on the southern side, so some relict plants, which trace their descent far back to the very distant past of our planet, have remained on the northern side of this mountain. On the southern side, the climate is milder and meadows abound. This side is rich in blackberries, the mint of the mountain and an endemic type of the carnation flower, which adorns meadows in June. The most famous plant on this mountain in eastern Serbia is, however, theRtanj tea plant. Legend has it that the Ottoman Turks grew it in their harems many centuries ago and when in the 19th century Serbia freed itself of the Turkish sway, the plant was moved toRtanj and was planted at 1,000 meters of altitude, as it cannot grow at lesser heights. The plant is picked in early August and on that occasion, the tourist association organizes a picnic and lunch in the countryside. Every year towards Christmas, mountaineering societies organize a climb on Mt Rtanj, gathering mountaineers from Serbia, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Hungary. |
Pozdrav iz Centra za istrazivanje i ekologiju Duh Rtnja.
Cilj nam je predstavimo Srbiji i svetu da je Rtanj prva, najveca i najstarija piramida planete zemlje. Istrazujemo piramidalnu strukturuu reljefa Rtnja. Istrazujemo i istoriju Rtnju gde je porodica Minh imala esencijalni uticaj u ozivljavanju infrastrukture Rtnja i ulaganju u rudnik Rtanj.
Ukoliko imas neke kontakte ili veze sa porodicom Minh javi se da ti radi prosirivanja i razmene informacija.
Sasa Nadjfeji
Centar za istrazivanje i ekologiju Duh Rtnja
I have personally known Mrs.Greta Minh from Rtanj and wrote one article to one Serbian site ebout memories I had.I would like to send you site name and to talk to you more about Mrs.Minh and send you article to see if I am correct.Best regardsfrom Australia LjiljanaCander- Stanikic
Please send me email where I can talk ,send photos and article about Gdja Greta Minh.Ljiljana
E-mailme muncha(at)
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