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Jan 31, 2011
Jan 30, 2011
Shut Down Al-Jazeera !
Since the protests in Egypt started, al-Jazeera has been one of the few broadcast companies able to broadcast the truth of what’s been happening on the streets in Cairo and other Egyptian cities. Now, the government is trying to put that to an end:
The Egyptian authorities are revoking the Al Jazeera Network’s licence to broadcast from the country, and will be shutting down its bureau office in Cairo, state television has said.
“The information minister [Anas al-Fikki] ordered … suspension of operations of Al Jazeera, cancelling of its licences and withdrawing accreditation to all its staff as of today,” a statement on the official Mena news agency said on Sunday.
In a statement, Al Jazeera said it strongly denounces and condemns the closure of its bureau in Cairo by the Egyptian government. The network received notification from the Egyptian authorities on Sunday morning.
“Al Jazeera has received widespread global acclaim for their coverage on the ground across the length and breadth of Egypt,” the statement said.
“Al Jazeera sees this as an act designed to stifle and repress the freedom of reporting by the network and its journalists,” the statement said.
“In this time of deep turmoil and unrest in Egyptian society it is imperative that voices from all sides be heard; the closing of our bureau by the Egyptian government is aimed at censoring and silencing the voices of the Egyptian people.
“Al Jazeera assures its audiences in Egypt and across the world that it will continue its in-depth and comprehensive reporting on the events unfolding in Egypt.
So far at least, the network still seems to be broadcasting from Egypt on its live internet stream, but it’s unclear how much longer that will be true.
Along with shutting off Internet access, this is yet another sign that the government is seeking prevent the outside world, and its own citizens, from learning the truth.
Jan 29, 2011
Egypt cuts off internet access
Egypt cuts off internet access
Most of the major internet service providers in Egypt are offline following week-long protests
Egypt appears to have cut off almost all access to the internet from inside and outside the country from late on Thursday night, in a move that has concerned observers of the protests that have been building in strength through the week.
“According to our analysis, 88% of the ‘Egyptian internet’ has fallen off the internet,” said Andree Toonk at BGPmon, a monitoring site that checks connectivity of countries and networks.
“What’s different in this case as compared to other ‘similar’ cases is that all of the major ISP’s seem to be almost completely offline. Whereas in other cases, social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter were typically blocked, in this case the government seems to be taking a shotgun approach by ordering ISPs to stop routing all networks.”
The cutoff appears to have happened around 10.30pm GMT on Thursday night.
Only one internet service provider appears to still have a working connection to the outside world: the Noor Group, for which all 83 routes are working, and inbound traffic from its connection provider, Telecom Italia, also working.
Protests in Egypt at the government’s rule have been building all week, and Friday was expected to see the largest demonstrations so far.
I saw this movie before !
Pasto,From CNN :- " Mubarak's best option is to offer Egypt a safe landing. He should lift the 30-year state of emergency, renounce his candidacy in Egypt's September 2011 presidential election and allow civil society to prepare for a free and fair election under full international supervision."
Let's assume, that Mubarak is given a safe passage to the "Leper Island" where he can watch the sunset ... and in September 2011 ( after free and fair !... ) election, the "Ikhwan" will claim their rights!After all "The Egyptian people have spoken and their collective wish must be respected!"... The chief supervisor Peanut Carter will say...What if, the "Collective aspirations" list, contains the following elements :-- The Peace Treaty with the Zionist Entity is the source of Egypt's misery !- "DemoSharia" was distorted by the infidel, secular Kufars and their collaborators the Copto-Zionists !- "The Brotherhood" is the only answer to all the "Zionislamophobes" around the world !Fuck ! I saw this movie before !Alex.
Jan 28, 2011
In case the treaty is violated ! ...
March 26, 1979
Sixteen months after Sadat's visit to Israel, the Israel-Egypt peace treaty was signed in Washington. It contains nine articles, a military annex, an annex dealing with the relation between the parties, agreed minutes interpreting the main articles of the treaty, among them Article 6, the withdrawal schedule, exchange of ambassadors, security arrangements and the agreement relating to the autonomy talks. The latter issue was contained in a letter addressed by President Sadat and Prime Minister Begin to President Carter.
In a separate Israel-US Memorandum of Agreement, concluded on the same day, the US spelled out its commitments to Israel in case the treaty is violated, the role of the UN and the future supply of military and economic aid to Israel.
Text:The Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Government of the State of Israel;
Convinced of the urgent necessity of the establishment of a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East in accordance with Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338;
Reaffirming their adherence to the "Framework for Peace in the Middle East Agreed at Camp David," dated September 17, 1978;
Noting that the aforementioned Framework as appropriate is intended to constitute a basis for peace not only between Egypt and Israel but also between Israel and each of its other Arab neighbors which is prepared to negotiate peace with it on this basis;
Desiring to bring to an end the state of war between them and to establish a peace in which every state in the area can live in security;
Convinced that the conclusion of a Treaty of Peace between Egypt and Israel is an important step in the search for comprehensive peace in the area and for the attainment of settlement of the Arab- Israeli conflict in all its aspects;
Inviting the other Arab parties to this dispute to join the peace process with Israel guided by and based on the principles of the aforementioned Framework;
Desiring as well to develop friendly relations and cooperation between themselves in accordance with the United Nations Charter and the principles of international law governing international relations in times of peace;
Agree to the following provisions in the free exercise of their sovereignty, in order to implement the "Framework for the Conclusion of a Peace Treaty Between Egypt and Israel";
Domino stone No. 3 !
TweetThousands of Jordanian opposition supporters have taken the streets in the country's capital demanding the prime minister step down and venting their anger at rising prices, inflation and unemployment. About 3,500 opposition activists from the main Islamist opposition group, trade unions and leftist organizations have gathered in Amman. The crowd is denouncing Prime Minister Samir Rifai's unpopular policies. Many are shouting: "Rifai go away, prices are on fire and so are the Jordanians." Another 2,000 protesters in cities of Irbid and Karak have made similar calls. Friday's rallies mark the third consecutive day of protests in Jordan inspired by Tunisia and Egypt's unrest that has demanding the governments' downfall. King Abdullah II has promised some reforms...
Turkey is by far the worst violator of human rights

In statistical data on violation judgments by country for the last year, Turkey once more topped the chart with 18.55 percent of all violation judgments, practically the same as last year's figure of 18.81, followed by Russia with 14.48 percent and Romania 9.54 percent. In 2010, a total of 278 judgments were entered for Turkey and only in nine cases did the court find no violations.
The most common human rights violation committed by Turkey was against Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which concerns the right to a fair trial (42 cases) and lengthy proceedings (83 cases). This article was often raised as the reason for the rulings against Turkey.
In recent rulings, the court found that in most cases Turkey was in breach of this article and noted lengthy trials as a violation the convention. There have been excessive delays in violation of the “reasonable time” requirement in civil and criminal proceedings taking place in Turkish courts. The similar high-count cases originating from the violation of this article can be seen in other countries as well. In total, Article 6 violations represented 37.6 percent of court judgments in 2010, which made it the most-violated article of the convention.
Article 5, which talks about the right to liberty and security, was the second most-cited article in judgments filed against Turkey last year. The overwhelming number of these cases had originated in the ‘90s, during which decade gross human rights violations were committed by state security forces in the fight against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party’s (PKK) terror campaign. The court found Turkey in violation of this article in 80 cases in 2010 alone. The court registry recorded no friendly settlements by Turkey last year.
In terms of pending applications, as of Jan. 1, 2011, the report found that Turkey has the second-highest number of complaints filed against it, with 10.9 percent of the total 139,650 applications. Russia led the pack in this category with 28.9 percent of the applications. Romania ranked third with 11,950 pending cases before the court, which corresponds to 8.6 percent of all cases.
The report unequivocally finds that in recent years there has been an upward trend for Turkey in terms of applications currently being reviewed by the court. A large number of cases was transferred from the previous year and are awaiting a decision. In 2009 Turkey had 4,474 applications at the court, while the number was 3,706 for 2008 and 2,828 for 2007. This number jumped to 5,821 in 2010, during which time 3,296 cases were declared either inadmissible or were stricken from the court.
The only good news for Turkey in the report by the ECtHR is that Turkey performed much better compared to other countries when factoring population figures in. In that sense, Turkey is ahead of 22 member states of the Council of Europe, with a 0.80 average rate that calculates the number of applications to the ECtHR per 10,000 inhabitants. The European Convention on Human Rights, drafted in 1950, places Turkey under the jurisdiction of the ECtHR. In 1987 Turkey accepted the right of individuals to make applications to the ECtHR and in 1990 recognized the compulsory jurisdiction of the court. However Turkey has still not ratified some of the protocols of the convention despite having signed them.
Jan 27, 2011
See this Blog !
Zionism, a Disease of the Mind
Who can, in their heart of hearts, credibly deny the blatant repugnancy of the whole underlying premise of Zionism, the very madness upon which Israel was founded? Indeed, any person who happens to support the immorality of the theft of the land of Palestine under such religious or forged historical pretexts would, in reality, be making up excuses for blatant colonisation that are far more ridiculous than my demented ranting about returning to the gardens of Cordoba. So why do these Zionists get away with such a ludicrous monstrosity? We all know why. The hegemony over world media exercised by Jews is crucial so that no one can ever challenge the Zionist narrative or point out the naked, unadulterated lunacy of the whole Zionist enterprise.Mohamed El Mokhtar
Jan 26, 2011
Jan 25, 2011
Wake up before the truth litrally kills us !
Walid Shoebat
Islamic Rhetoric has nothing to do with Terror if you are a left-winger
Keith Davies Executive Director Walid Shoebat Foundation
When Jared Loughner murdered six innocents and injured about a dozen others within a few hours the left wing media lead by Paul Krugman of the New York Times was quick on the trigger (sorry for the language of hate) to condemn conservatives for being part of a blood libel in fomenting hate that caused Loughner to commit this horrible crime.
Now that we have yet another outrage from Islamic terrorists who have just bombed and killed dozens of innocents at the Moscow international airport, there will be no such condemnation by the left wing media of the Muslim imams who daily instill hatred for us infidels throughout the Muslim and the West, so that we should die because we are unbelievers and that Jihad should spread Islam for Allah as per the Koran, the Sunna and the Sharia. Based on Walid Shoebat's testimony and countless other former Muslims and righteous liberal Muslims, it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that this spewing of hatred from the mosque pulpits is causing the violence, murder, intimidation and persecution of Westerners, Israel, Christians and all non believers in Islam.
The world is upside down with lies, deceptions and outrageous excuses. The left will ignore the real reasons for the terror attack and give us the usual stuff about how we need to understand Islam so that we can come together in ecumenical good will so that we can defeat the hate. They will undoubtedly compare these "isolated" incidents of violence using the false moral equivalent argument concerning the Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh as a Christian motivated by his religion; an outright lie, as it is well known that he was an agnostic. Even if he were a Christian there is nothing in the Bible to justify such a crime. The left will also mention the usual nut jobs that have attacked abortion clinics with violence. All true Christians condemn the attacks on abortion clinics that may have happened a very few times over last 30 years, however it cannot be denied that the violence of Muslims on non Muslims is happening daily in thousands of instances almost all over the world.
Hundreds of thousands of Christians, Hindus, Buddhists as well as Israelis suffer at the hands of Muslims driven by their scriptures and the willingness of imams to instill hatred that they quote from their "holy" books. If one cares to just dig on the surface you can find thousands of pieces of media that can be gleaned from hundreds of web sites including ours on the Internet exposing the hatred and violence from mainstream Arab TV and the imams who spew this rhetoric.
The left love to have these "peace panel" discussions that are organized by well-intentioned “useful idiots� who are being used by expert propagandists like CAIR and other Muslim organizations who are fronts for the Muslim brotherhood. The best analogy to describe what these Muslim groups are doing with their "interfaith outreach" is what the Nazis did to keep the Jews calm by lieing to them about being transferred, giving them soap before a “shower� and playing music before they headed to the gas chambers. Their strategy is simple: keep telling gullible Westerners that Islam is a peaceful religion until they are able to kill or convert us all. We are helped along by left wing Christians, who choose to be willfully ignorant, choose not to do research or at least do the minimum to invite apostates to give their side of the issue. By peace they will destroy many; we are in the middle of that very process.
Yesterday I witnessed first hand such nonsense. I attended a "peace center panel discussion" organized by the Quakers who invited two Muslims, one from CAIR, to answer concerns about Islam. For nearly two hours the audience was fed one lie after another. Unfortunately I did not get a chance to ask my question. It was also tragic that none of the audience members was able to ask detailed questions to trap the speakers. When they did get to ask a question that exposed the truth, in came the denials, lies and omissions from the speakers. According to one of the Muslim speakers, an expert on Sharia law, he stated, “the Sharia Law does not concern the life of an average Muslim.� Maybe, but it is certainly a problem for the average Christian living in Pakistan as the Sharia is incorporated into civil law especially on the law of blasphemy and as a result the Christian community is being decimated with intimidation as well as jail and murder. No Muslim country is signatory to the Hague convention concerning the abduction of women and children. Ask any American parent who has a daughter and grandchildren stuck in the Muslim world and the hell their family is going through. Abduction of women and child kidnapping is an epidemic in all Muslim countries. Our organization gets hundreds of inquiries a year concerning this issue.
Our leaders including our President, Bishops, Pastors, Rabbis, Mayors, school boards and all community leaders need to wake up and face the truth before the truth will literally kill us.
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Jan 24, 2011
Yad Vashem launches Farsi YouTube chanel
Yad Vashem launches Farsi YouTube chanel
January 23, 2011
JERUSALEM (JTA) -- Yad Vashem has launched a YouTube channel in Farsi and an expanded version of its Farsi website.
The Farsi YouTube channel launched Sunday contains survivor testimonies, archival footage and mini-lectures by Holocaust historians on topics such as contemporary anti-Semitism, and what makes the Holocaust a unique historical event.
The comprehensive new website includes a chronological and thematic narrative about the Holocaust with related video, photos, documents and artifacts; frequently asked questions about the Holocaust; a lexicon of terms; online exhibitions including a multimedia presentation of the Auschwitz Album in Farsi; and stories of Righteous Among the Nations.
Addressing viewers on the YouTube channel, Israeli President Shimon Peres encourages visitors to the site.
“History is rich in events, but there is one event that is exceptional, which is a watershed. That is the Holocaust, when a cultured nation in an organized manner killed 6 million people because they were Jews, including a million-and-a-half babies and children," Peres says. "What we suggest is that each of you will see the material, which is based on records and on photos, to understand what happened, and also to be able to tell your own children to beware, not to let history fall again to such a depth, to such shame,” he said.
“One of our primary goals is to make credible information about the Holocaust accessible to as wide an audience as possible,” said Avner Shalev, the chairman of Yad Vashem. “Today, when there is so much disinformation and distortion easily available online, we provide an alternative to anyone who is interested in the truth.”
Yad Vashem's website and YouTube Channel are available in English, Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, Spanish and Farsi.
Jan 22, 2011
ZYKLON "B" works better!
German Minister: Don't sell the drug used for executions in the U.S.
German health minister called on pharmaceutical companies to refrain from selling to the United States "anesthetics" type sodium thiopental, which also serves for executions. In the United States, there is a shortage of the "anesthesia" due to closure of the only factory in the United States that manufactured sodium thiopental. German minister said that the drug used in the United States is against the EU values!I agree ! Use this :-
For Jews <<<----------------->>> For Muzoids
International Community Expresses Concern Over Deadly Protests in Albania
22 January 2011
Opposition protesters throw stones at police after a pro-opposition rally in Tirana,Albania, 21 Jan 2011The United States and the European Union are among those appealing for calm in Albania, after at least three people were killed and dozens were injured in anti-government protests in the capital Tirana. Albania's Prime Minister Sali Berisha says he will not allow a similar overthrow of his government as in Tunisia, but the opposition has vowed more demonstrations.
The Tirana diplomatic missions of the European Union, United States and Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe say in a joint statement that they deeply regret the casualties in Friday's anti-government protests.
They also call for a compromise. That seems difficult.
Supporters of the opposition Socialists accuse the government of financial wrong doing and vote rigging during the 2009 elections. Tensions further increased this week when the country's deputy prime minister, Ilir Meta, resigned amid an alleged corruption scandal.
Albania's Prime Minister Sali Berisha has accused his opponents of attempting a "Tunisia-style uprising," a reference to the bloody overthrow of Tunisia's president in which scores were killed.
Mr. Berisha says Albania will not pass into a similar "state of emergency." He has told Albanians in televised remarks that "scenarios of violence will not be tolerated."
But those watching the recent demonstrations have already described them as the worst violence to erupt in the volatile Balkan nation in over a decade.
Video footage of Friday's protest shows that shots are fired as security forces try to push back an estimated 20,000 demonstrators.
Protesters shout words such as "get out, get out" as they gather outside Conservative Prime Minister Berisha's office in the capital. Other protesters carry red-and-black Albanian flags.
A tense calm has returned to the streets of Tirana. But the leader of the Socialist Party, Tirana Mayor Edi Rama, says the opposition will hold more demonstrations after observing a day of mourning for those who died.
Rama has made clear he does not want to wait till the scheduled elections in 2013. He says the opposition will not tolerate what he calls "an intolerable regime" of thieves ruling Europe's poorest nation.
The stand-off has underscored international concerns over the country's democratic credentials. The European Union already rejected Albania's application to become an official candidate to join the organization, saying it should first fight corruption and establish a functioning democracy.
Elizabeth II - Eat your heart out !
Elizabeth II - Eat your heart out !ST PETERSBURG is facing a £115 million bill to renovate a ruined 18th century Tsarist palace for President Putin.
The Kremlin is pressing businessmen to donate the cash. While few are likely to have the courage to refuse, there are sound business reasons to back the scheme. Money pledged can be expected to buy protection from the taxman, police and customs. Contributors may also win lucrative contracts.
The Konstantinovsky Palace, designed by the Italian master Rastrelli, has seen better days. It is listed by Unesco as a monument of global importance but was looted and burnt by German troops in the Second World War.
No leader since the Tsars has had an official residence in St Petersburg, but Mr Putin, who comes from the city, plans to have the palace ready in two years. Plans for the state to finance its transformation have been abandoned. A charitable fund overseen by the mayor, the culture minister and a Nobel physics prizewinner has been set up.
Not everyone is happy at being urged to contribute. One businessman told the Vedomosti daily: "If the government wants to interest businesses in the reconstruction, it has to show us real pluses to come from taking part. To be frank, we need this about as much as a goat needs an accordion."
MUTE & A DEAF had a meeting ! Good start for a joke !...
( The meeting took place UNDERground - in a dungeon ! )
Is Israel becoming Iran's southern border ?...
Is Israel becoming Iran's southern border ?...Walid JumblatAn agreement was reportedly made between the March 8 forces backed by Syria and Democratic Gathering leader MP Walid Jumblat for his bloc to give seven votes for the opposition's nominee for the premier's post, Omar Karami, amid efforts to guarantee a eighth MP.
An Nahar daily quoted March 14 forces as saying Saturday that Democratic Gathering MPs who are not members of Jumblat's Progressive Socialist Party have informed him that they would nominate caretaker Premier Saad Hariri. They are: Mohammed al-Hajjar, Fouad al-Saad, Henri Helou, Marwan Hamadeh and Antoine Saad.
An Nahar said that Jumblat guaranteed that only five party members -- in addition to a sixth who could be MP Elie Aoun -- would vote for Karami.
The remaining six ministers stand by Hariri, the daily said.Hariri and his coalition have 60 seats in the 128-seat parliament against 57 for the March 8 camp. Jumblat's bloc holds 11 deputies, including five Christians and a Sunni. If he clinches the backing of enough of his MPs, he would guarantee that Hizbullah and its allies would impose Karami for the premiership.
" Leave Beirut before all hell breaks loose ! "
Lebanon's rumor mill is at full throttle, sparking panic and spreading a sense of foreboding, as a seemingly insoluble political deadlock that has left the country without government deepens.A gathering of Hizbullah supporters in many western Beirut neighborhoods on Tuesday sparked rumors of a dry run in preparation for a takeover of the capital.
Anonymous mobile telephone text messages and even printed fliers this week have warned citizens to flee the city before all hell breaks loose.
"I got a BlackBerry message yesterday saying that the situation was bad and that we should leave Beirut," said one marketing student at the Lebanese American University.
"A lot of my friends got the same message."
Television channels have been feeding the psychosis, flashing unconfirmed incidents or loud sounds as latest news -- including of a purported military raid on a hotel allegedly housing militants, which the army has staunchly denied.
"Our nerves are frayed," said a resident of Ashrafieh, a Christian quarter in eastern Beirut.
"Everyone is jumpy and any rumor sends us into frenzy."
One woman, whose family is loyal to the Syrian Social Nationalist Party, an ally of Lebanon's powerful Hizbullah, said she had been called home early this week after a relative received a tip-off.
"My brother called me yesterday in complete hysterics," said the 25-year-old, who requested anonymity.
"He said he had gotten news that something was going to happen that afternoon, and I left my office in Hamra (in western Beirut) and went home," she told Agence France Presse.
"Nothing happened."
Lebanon's rival parties are headed for a showdown Monday, as MPs head to the president's office to appoint a new premier after the Iranian- and Syrian-backed Hizbullah last week toppled the government of Saudi- and Western-backed premier Saad Hariri.
The government's collapse capped a long-running standoff over a U.N. investigation into the 2005 murder of former prime minister Rafik Hariri, Saad's father.
The deadlock has sparked fears of a repeat of the events of May 2008, when a protracted political crisis spiraled into sectarian fighting that left 100 dead and saw the Hizbullah camp force the closure of the Beirut airport.
Alarmed Lebanese have begun to throng banks across the country, transferring their savings from the local pound into dollars and withdrawing massive amounts, bank officials told AFP.
A U.N. official in Beirut said the organization's staff had also been advised to take extra precautions.
"It's incredible how panicked people are, withdrawing money and stocking up on water and food staples," the official told AFP on condition of anonymity.
"They have created an atmosphere that is unbearable. The rumor mill is at full steam."
While embassies have not yet sent travel warnings to their citizens in Lebanon, international students have been advised by some embassies to leave the country before the situation worsens, university officials said.
"Some Arab embassies including Jordan and Saudi Arabia called their students yesterday and advised them to leave the country given the current situation," a Lebanese American University official told AFP on condition of anonymity.
"Up until now, no one has left, but the university has asked all students to stay in their dorms in the evening and remain in contact with the dean of students."
Meanwhile, Lebanese across the country are doing their best to carry on with their daily lives.
But they cannot shake off the hovering fear that the next round of deadly violence is just around the corner.
"It's obvious that something is going to happen. After so many years, you learn to read the signs. All these feuding politicians are definitely not going to sit down and say a prayer together," said bus driver Hussein Ezzedine.
"There will be a war, and it will be soon. That's what I believe," the 56-year-old told AFP.
"Our rich leaders have the luxury to send their kids abroad, while we have to struggle with gas and bread prices on a day-to-day basis and worry about war and the safety of our children on top of that."(AFP)
Mossadniks do not commit suicide !
WASHINGTON — The Syrian opposition reported that the regime of President Bashar Assad has been shaken by four suicide attacks in one day. The opposition said the bombings took place in the northern city of Aleppo on Jan. 17, and at least seven people were killed.
"The car bombs were detonated in the Ashrafiyeh area mostly populated by the Kurds," the Washington-based Reform Party of Syria said. "The Assad regime has successfully suppressed the information from reaching the outside world."TweetRPS said the Syrian opposition has been galvanized by the successful revolt in Tunisia. The statement said Syrians have been stunned by the sudden flight of Tunisian President Zein Al Abidine Bin Ali, who found a haven in Saudi Arabia.
Aleppo, the second largest city in Syria, has long been regarded as a hotbed of unrest. In addition to the Kurds, Aleppo has a large Sunni population with sympathy for Al Qaida.
"Sending military reinforcements to Aleppo is counterproductive to the regime because the majority of the foot soldiers in the Syrian Army are Sunni Muslims," RPS said. "Turning their guns on Damascus is the last thing Assad can afford in a post-Tunisia atmosphere."
In a Jan. 19 statement, RPS, regarded as a reliable opposition source, said many people were also injured in the bombing. So far, nobody has claimed responsibility for what was regarded as the worst attack on the Assad regime in at least two years.
"Some experts claim it is the work of the regime itself as a warning shot across the bow against any uprising by the Kurds a la Tunisia," RPS said.
The Syrian government has not confirmed the attacks. Over the last year, Kurdish unrest has risen in northern Syria, particularly near the borders of Iraq and Turkey.
Jan 21, 2011
Be on our side. ( Reposted )
"open war"
Israeli Olympic chiefs ready to help Palestinians, says committeeRepresentatives of Israel's Olympic committee are ready to help Palestinian athletes train for the London 2012 Games, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) said on Thursday.
The offer came during a "constructive and cooperative" first meeting of Israeli and Palestinian Olympic officials in the Swiss city of Lausanne hosted by IOC President Jacques Rogge, the Olympic body said in a statement.
The meeting at IOC headquarters was a first attempt to broker an agreement over obstacles Palestinian athletes and players say they face, hampering training and travel to compete in sports events.
"In the short run, priority will be given to assisting Palestinian athletes to move towards their dream of taking part in the Olympic Games in London next year," it added.
A second meeting will be held in two months time.
The Olympic chief's visit came two months after the head of the Palestinian Olympic Committee (POC) vowed "open war" against Israel, as the dispute escalated when Palestinian footballers were blocked at the Jordanian border.
"open war" - PLO Munich Massacre of 11 Israeli Athletes ( 1972 )
Khalid Sheik Mohammed killed U.S. journalist Daniel Pearl
Ok. How long does the trial have to last and how soon can he be executed. He's confessed for cryin' out loud!jatfla says:
Khalid Sheik Mohammed killed U.S. journalist Daniel PearlFor more than a year, a group of Georgetown University students has been poring over documents, searching for cellphone numbers of suspected terrorists and calling Pakistani police in the middle of the night. Now their class project has come to this: They're suing the CIA and the FBI.The students' assignment was to find out who killed Wall Street JournalDaniel Pearl and why. Although the class ended last spring and many of the students graduated, they're still trying to write that last paper. reporter
Pearl disappeared while reporting in Pakistan in 2002. A video delivered to the FBI showed him being beheaded.
Yesterday, the group, known as the Pearl Project and now attached to the nonprofit Center for Public Integrity, filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court asking for the release of records by the CIA, FBI, Defense Department and five other federal agencies.
Members of the group are seeking, among other things, FBI files on convicted terrorist Richard Reid. Pearl was reporting a story about Reid and his Pakistani handler when he disappeared. They hope the lawsuit will unearth documents or new sources in time for them to finish their final paper late this spring.
"It's not only a really personal story . . . but a story really pertinent to current events and, well, to humanity," said Rebecca Tapscott, a 2008 graduate.
The idea for the class began in summer 2002, after four men were convicted in Pakistan in connection with Pearl's death. Pearl's longtime friend, Asra Nomani, with whom Pearl was staying when he disappeared, suspected that more people were involved. She knew, for example, that a man who led police to Pearl's body, which was found outside Karachi, was allegedly one of the guards who had held him. But he was never charged.
Read the rest of the article (here) by Susan Kinzie in the Washington Post
Watch the beheading of Daniel Pearl (here)
Jihad Watch blog (here)