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PAM ! Pam-para,pam-pam ! PAM ! PAM !

Jun 29, 2009

Allahu akbar !

Role of the women in Iran

From:- American ThinkerAmerican Thinker (29/6/2009)
Many were horrified at the murder of Neda Soltan, the beautiful young woman who was shot dead by the mullahs' thugs on a street in Tehran, but there have been many Neda Soltans. The most visible feature of this movement is the leadership role of the women in Iran. They are the heart, soul and fuel of this defiance in the face of crushing repression.

And while many protesters have been shouting "Allahu akbar," this doesn't in itself mean that they are fighting for more Shari'a. Many more have been shouting "Death to the dictator!" and "Freedom or death!" And this message appeared on Twitter Saturday:

"Why don't we Iranians just reject Islam and go back to what we were before Arabs forced this allah akbar thing on us?"

Jun 28, 2009

The Dictator (Clasic!..)

Thank you dear Brother!

Danny :- Tivon 10/06/2009

Iran: Pro-Ahmadinejad Paper Claims BBC Reporter Killed Neda Soltan......


Just the other day a regime official claimed it was the CIA. Countdown until they blame the Mossad starts now......

Iranian media outlets quoted a report in the pro-Ahmadinejad daily Javan, which is affiliated with the IRGC, to the effect that a BBC journalist in Teheran, who has since been expelled from Iran, is responsible for the death of protester Neda Soltan.

The daily alleged that the journalist had hired a thug to kill a protester in order to film the incident.

Source: Khabaronline; Sarmayeh, Iran; June 26, 2009


Shabes!!! ?.. No ! Ayatolahs !!! Iran #2 !!! WAKE UP ISRAEL !!!

מלחמת השבת:-

חרדי נפצע קשה, 40 נעצרו

צעיר כבן 20 שהשתתף בהפגנת החרדים בירושלים נפל מגדר ברחוב שבטי ישראל, נפצע קשה בראשו ופונה לבית החולים, שם הוא מורדם ומונשם. ילד ו-4 שוטרים נפצעו קל. 40 מפגינים נעצרו. רכב כריזה מטעם העדה החרדית קרא למפגינים להתפזר

כתבי ynet

פורסם: 27.06.09, 22:21

המחאה האלימה בירושלים שברה שיא נוסף, עם פציעתו הערב (שבת) של צעיר כבן 20 בהפגנה ברחוב שבטי ישראל בעיר. הוא נפל מגדר בגובה שלושה מטרים ופונה לבית החולים הדסה עין כרם בעיר, שם הוא מונשם ומורדם. במהומות נפצעו קל גם ילד בן 6 וארבעה שוטרים. הילד נפצע בראשו מחפץ שהושלך לעברו. המשטרה עצרה 40 מפגינים חרדים.

לא ברור כיצד נפל הצעיר מהגדר. מצבו הוגדר בתחילה קל והוא סירב לקבל טיפול רפואי, אך ככל שחלף הזמן התגלו תסמינים של פגיעת ראש. פרמדיק מד"א, ארז גתי, סיפר כי "כחצי שעה לאחר הנפילה החלו תסמינים כמו הקאות וערפול הכרה ואז הוזמנה ניידת טיפול נמרץ. בדרך לבית החולים הופיעו סימנים קשים של פגיעת ראש, הכוללים בין היתר פרכוסים".

העדה החרדית קראה למפגינים להתפזר

נראה כי המהומות הללו הפתיעו בעוצמתן אפילו את העדה החרדית, שדחפה לעימותים. רכב כריזה מטעם העדה החרדית עבר הערב בשכונות בירושלים וקרא למפגינים המוחים על פתיחת חניון קרתא להתפזר לבתיהם, ולהפסיק את המהומות.

מזכיר הוועדה למען קדושת השבת, הרב יצחק גולדקנופף, אמר ל-ynet בעקבות האירועים האלימים, כי "את המשימה שלקחנו על עצמנו מיצינו כשעשרות אלפי תושבים יצאו למחות נגד רמיסת קדושת השבת". הוא הדגיש כי ראשי המאבק אינם לוקחים אחריות על ההתפרעויות היום, אלא רק על עצרת התפילה בכניסת השבת. "זו אינה דרכנו", אמר.

( ? Basij )

פחים בוערים במאה שערים (צילום: גיל יוחנן)

גולדקנופף הוסיף כי הטיפול בנושא יימשך בכל מקרה, אך גדולי ישראל יחליטו במהלך השבוע האם עוצמת המחאה תישאר כך גם בשבת הבאה או שיפעלו בדרכים אחרות לסגירת חניון קרתא. ח"כ מיכאל בן-ארי (האיחוד הלאומי) אמר: "חבל שראש העיר החליט לפגוע בקדושת השבת ולהפר את האיזון בעיר הקודש. יחד עם זאת, יש לשמור על מחאה שאינה כרוכה באלימות".

יידו אבנים, קופסאות שימורים ופירות

במהלך הערב עצרה המשטרה 40 מפגינים חרדים ברחבי ירושלים. רוב המתפרעים נעצרו בכניסה לשכונת מאה שערים. מאות התגודדו ויידו אבנים, קופסאות שימורים, פירות ובקבוקים, תוך שהם קוראים "שאבעס". אחר-כך שרפו פחי אשפה. ארבעה נוספים נעצרו כשהפגינו בכניסה לחניון קרתא, שנפתח בשבת הזו.

המשטרה הציבה מוקדם יותר כוחות גדולים

בפינת הרחובות הנביאים ושבטי ישראל ומנעה מחרדים להתקדם לעבר כיכר ספרא במתחם עיריית ירושלים, שם הפגינו כאלף חילונים בעד החלטת העירייה לפתוח חניון בשבת ונגד מה שכינו "הבריונות החרדית". מוקדם יותר נעצרו ארבעה חרדים שהתנכלו לנהגים ברחוב בר-אילן בירושלים והפריעו לתנועה.

מפקד משטרת מרחב ציון, תת-ניצב ברונו שטיין, סיכם את הערב הסוער: "אנחנו בסוף שבוע של שורה של הפגנות ומחאות מצד העדה החרדית. ידענו על כוונות להפגין מול חניון קרתא. לא איפשרנו זאת. נמנענו כל הזמן להיכנס לעימות. המפגינים ניצלו זאת ויידו מכל הבא ליד - אבנים, ירקות ובקבוקים. נכנסנו וביצענו מעצרים"

בהכנת הידיעה השתתפו רונן מדזיני, אפרת וייס וקובי נחשוני (Ynet)

Jun 27, 2009

Why Muslims Scare Us

Dr. Abu Anthrax Ibn Virus says:-
“Four pound of anthrax - in a suitcase [ this ] big" - carried by a " fighter " through tunnels from Mexico (Gaza) into the US (Israel), is guaranteed to kill 330,000 Americans (Pigs) within a single hour”.?
If genocidal statements like this don’t give you the chills, you’ve got something wrong with you.
Got an stainless-steel stomach?.. Yap?!... Then clickclick the picture!!

Iran's "Electoral" power system (Not the Electrical one !...).

Iran power system

Despite all the bad-mouthing Iran gets from the West, the Islamic Republic is more democratic than most other nations in the Middle East. That's why millions of Iranians are in the streets, demanding that their votes be counted. Ayatullah Khomeini's 1979 Islamic revolution produced a hybrid political system combining the principle of giving the clergy ultimate executive authority with the holding of democratic elections — albeit from lists of candidates restricted by the clerics to those deemed loyal to the principles of the revolution — for parliament and the presidency. The result was a regime comprising competing factions and personalities, achieving its own version of checks and balances by distributing power across a variety of different institutions, from structures of government to unelected councils of clerics. Even the Supreme Leader, who holds ultimate executive power, is appointed by a clerical body — the 86-member Assembly of Experts — which also has the power to remove him. ( Realy ? How exactly ?! )

The conflict in Iran thus far has been not so much a wholesale revolt of the masses against the system as a complex struggle for power within Iran's ruling establishment and a battle over the country's direction. Here's a Who's Who of the players who may determine Iran's future in the unfolding drama.,28804,1905910_1905908,00.html

Jun 26, 2009

I don't have a name for this entry!...

“In the name of Allah, most merciful, most compassionate.”
"Revolutions devour their young..."

Arrested Iranians face nightmare

The Guardian
Published: June 24, 2009, 22:47

Tehran: Most of the hundreds of protesters arrested in Iran have disappeared into a tortuous system of detention.

For the hundreds or even thousands of people seized on the streets and in their homes over the past 10 days, the real ordeal is only just beginning.

A few have already been paraded on Iranian television, implausibly claimed to be common thugs, terrorists or agents in the pay of foreign governments.

But most have simply disappeared into the Islamic republic's tortuous system of detention.

Prisoners can be held by different bodies, the judiciary, the intelligence ministry, the police or even the revolutionary guards, and might wait weeks before seeing a judge.

After student protests in 1999 until last week - the most significant anti-regime demonstrations since the revolution - more than a thousand people were thrown into prison. Some lingered there for years. Others died inside.

It is clear from the beatings meted out when protesters were arrested this week that their detention is unlikely to be comfortable.

Jun 25, 2009

1096 Days & Nights !


"אני גלעד בן נועם שליט, הכלוא אצל המוג'אהידין.
אמא ואבא, אחותי ואחי, חברי בצה''ל,
אני מוסר לכם דרישת שלום ואת געגועיי לכולכם."

Jun 24, 2009

Remember NEDA ?...

Mindblowing bastards: Iran forces Neda’s family out of their home

(Her name was : NEDA the Farsi word for VOICE!... )

“A young woman who was standing aside with her father watching the protests was shot by a basij member hiding on the rooftop of a civilian house. He had clear shot at the girl and could not miss her. However, he aimed straight her heart. I am a doctor, so I rushed to try to save her. But the impact of the gunshot was so fierce that the bullet had blasted inside the victim’s chest, and she died in less than 2 minutes.”

The speaker says:

"I am here in order to tell you that she died in her father's arms.
"I am here in order to tell you that my sister had big dreams.
"I am here in order to tell you that my sister was very modest [in her dreams].
"She longed - just like me - after one day feeling the wind in her hair, and just like me she loved poems by Farukh (?), a Persian poet, and she...

"... longed for freedom and equality.
"She longed after one day being able to say, 'I am Iranian' with her head held up high.
"She longed after one day falling in love with a man with a [inaudible] haircut, giving birth to a daugter, singing lullabies at her cradle, or to plait her child's long hair.
"My sister died because she was not allowed to live like a human being; my sister died because injustice would not end; my sister died because she loved life so much, and my sister died because..
"... she cared lovingly for her fellow humans' well-being.
"All our brothers and sisters in Iran: You are not alone!"

What is the difference?

Savak, the Shah's secret police 1957-1979

The Shah's brutal secret police force, Savak, formed under the guidance of CIA (the United States Central Intelligence Agency) in 1957 and personnel trained by Mossad (Israel's secret service), to directly control all facets of political life in Iran. Its main task was to suppress opposition to the Shah's government and keep the people's political and social knowledge as minimal as possible. Savak was notorious throughout Iran for its brutal methods.

The interrogation office was established with no limit of using horrific torture tools and techniques to break the arrested dissenters to talk in a matter of hours.

The censorship office was established to monitor journalists, literary figures and academics throughout the country. It took appropriate measures against those who fell out of the regime's line.

Universities, labor unions and peasant organizations, amongst others, were all subjected to intense surveillance by the Savak agents and paid informants. The agency was also active abroad, especially in monitoring Iranian students who publicly opposed the Shah's government.

Interrogation, torture and long term imprisonment by Savak for reading or possessing any forbidden books. The prohibited books were removed from the book-stores and libraries; even the Tozih-ol-Masael written by Ayatollah Rouhollah Khomeini was forbidden.

Over the years, Savak became a law unto itself, having legal authority to arrest, detain, brutally interrogate and torture suspected people indefinitely. Savak operated its own prisons in Tehran, such as Qezel-Qalaeh and Evin facilities and many suspected places throughout the country as well. Many of those activities were carried out without any institutional checks.

The monarchy was toppled in Iran on February 11th, 1979 (22nd day of Bahman 1357, Persian calendar). The Savak dissolved and then the Iranian people along with the political prisoners tasted the blossoms of freedom (Bahar-e Azadi) for a few months. The banned and forbidden newspapers, magazines and books started republishing until the religious dictatorship took place then Savama was created that resembled Savak in different forms of oppression.

Basij militia, Ayatollah's hanchmen 1979-????

Armed with sticks, motorbike chains, knives and axes, the more extreme members have long been used as shock troops by the regime to cow demonstrators with brutal displays of violence.

Mounted on motorbikes, the militia's standard strategy is to charge the crowd, one man driving and another riding pillion using a truncheon to lash out at stragglers.

They have also been sent to raid university campuses, breaking bones and smashing up dormitories.

The movement - its name is Persian for "mobilisation" - began as a sort of volunteer Dad's Army, comprising old men and young boys fired with zeal during the Iran-Iraq war.

Under the command of the Revolutionary Guards, they would charge blindly across minefields with plastic keys, symbolising the martyr's entry to paradise, strung round their necks.

Officially, the Basij today number some five million: but only a fraction of its cadres are thought to be active.

Many joined simply for the benefits membership confers: an easier route to university or increased chances of promotion in government jobs.

In contrast, the armed men prowling the streets last week are a hard core, totally committed to the Supreme Leader and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Many of them take a cue from Hajji Bakhshi, a grizzled veteran of the war with Iraq, who drives around Tehran in a bullet-riddled pick-up truck exhorting his followers to confront the forces of imperialism.

But this relish for violence and street bullying puts Basijis beyond the pale for most Iranians.

That was why protesters attacked a Basij outpost last Monday - provoking the militiamen into opening fire and killing seven people.

In the coming days, they are likely to once more play the bloodiest role in the struggle for the soul of Iran's Islamic republic.

Ahmadinejad and Yazdi

IMPORTANT: Ahmadinejad and Yazdi preparing a coup

Apparently Mesbah Yazdi has spoken and it is Ahmadinejad’s turn to speak.

He thanks the audience with common Arabic courtesies:

Ahmadinejad humbly requests that special attention be paid to what he is to say which is about staring pure Islamic rule, not only in Iran but all over the world. He said we had a set back because we were not doing our Islamic duty to pressure people be more enlightened with Mohammadan Islam.

Islamic rule should not and cannot be limited only to Iran. Our efforts to expand it throughout the world are soon to be materialized with the help from God.

Struggle against corruption is of course enjoyable, but the ultimate joy will be the time when we realize the final heart-desired aim. We are always at work to realize that ultimate objective. I believe that revolution is beginning to find its way and a renewed evolution is taking place in it.

The revolution was hard and, began with difficulty, and the road ahead is even harder and more difficult. But this difficult road is exactly what to be expected.

There is enormous energy which has started within the country and is serving the country and is expanding, but needs guidance and supervision/management.

All the things that we have planned and talked about, is becoming a reality.

This plan needs strong ideological and operational support from you. The best place to start it is right here and in front of you. Who have the foresight, passion, experience and fortitude to ensure that it takes shape and becomes a reality.

I think timing is right, all necessary arrangements have been made. I seek your support and help. I am almost nobody compared to you in this struggle, in this grand movement. This is a blessing and is the beginning of a grand evolution in the world. I think this can become a reality. And building Iran as an example for others to follow and be a witness to on the road to realize the grand Islam.

It is possible to accomplish this, otherwise I would not be here sitting with you. Tehran is ready; the university is working on implementing it. Everything is taken care of in Tehran; we need your endorsement and approval.

Muslims in Malmo & other stuff...

Hamas, Hezbollah. . . And Iran (FSM)
United by hate, the Muslim world's most prolific activists are ganging up on Iranian street protesters.
Adorable! (Israel Unity)
Palestinian kindergarteners do a victory dance around Israeli "bodies" in this UN-sponsored drama production.
Mecca and Jerusalem: Muslims and Their Feelings (Jew with a View)
Comparing the two holiest cities of two separate faiths offers a window into just how different these religions really are from one another.

Muslim immigrants in Sweden are concentrated in the city of Malmo -
as evidenced by the high unemployment, tripling of rapes,
anti-Semitism and a crime wave that now affects 1 in 3 residents each year.

Jun 7, 2009

Site-Meter today 22:00:00 LT (Map)

Red dot = ME
Green dot = Who are you?!...

The green dot is the Auckland University ! Not what I thought it to be !...

Jun 6, 2009

Jun 5, 2009

The Fox is in the Hen House

Even the fawning mainstream media are starting to crack open the agenda of Barack Hussein Obama. On an ABC web site the question of Barack Hussein Obama's Muslim background was a taboo subject in the campaign and its contrast of the President's now willingness to openly be proud of that background.

This should automatically be seen as a red flag, especially if you are a supporter of Israel as an ally, and its right to live in its own land free from threat. Do you honestly know any Muslim that is "pro Israel"? You can count on your hand how many Muslims are pro Israel, so the fact that President Obama is now proud of his Muslim heritage should be a major wake up call to all who voted for him; who also believe in the safety of America and Israel. The evidence of his anti Israel position was hidden by the mainstream media and the twenty years of attendance at Rev Wright's church as well as being the Presidents spiritual mentor should suggest this position. Further, Obama stated that his friendship with Rashid Khalidi the PLO operative helped in molding his views regarding Israel. The LA Times withheld a video tape a few days prior to the election that exposed Presidents Obama's true virulent anti Israel position.

Many might argue that the appointment of many Jews to President Obama's administration including Rahm Emanuel would preclude him from being anti Israel. History shows that many Jews have acted against the interests of their own people. An example of this was Sir Herbert Samuel, a British secular Jew, appointed to be the first High Commissioner of the Palestine Mandate. Sir Herbert Samuel himself appointed the known Islamist, Haj Amin Husseini, who later became an ally of Hitler in the Holocaust and was the root cause of the Arab Israeli conflict.

Pressuring Israel not to expand existing settlements at the same time trying to tie Israel's actions to America's actions on stopping Iran from getting the bomb is criminal both to the safety of Israel and America. He has bowed to the Saudi King and twisted Europe's arm to allow another Islamist fox (Turkey) into the E.U, especially since Europeans have made their views clear -- statistics show that 70% of Europeans do not want Turkey's entry into the EU.

The fox has entered the henhouse working diligently to free chicken-killers. Obama wants the closure of Gitmo or bringing Muslim terrorists into the American prison system to help recruit American born inmates. Obama stopped the trials of terrorists that attacked the USS Cole. Obama initiated a policy of appeasement with Muslim nations including the now acceptance that "Iran has legitimate energy concerns regarding nuclear power." Obama proved what I have been saying for years, that American liberal mediocre minds are no match to fourteen centuries of Islamic deception. Obama knows well how to have Americans major on the minors (Water Boarding) while ignoring the majors -- Iran's nuclear buildup and the nuclear arms race in the Middle East. He has alienated the CIA, undermining their morale as well as their ability to defend America. The water boarding PR campaign was initiated not because it might be undermining American values as anybody with common sense who knows the facts is aware that water boarding was only used three times on terrorists who we knew had information we needed in order to save thousands of lives. Even the media and the American people did not buy the Presidents arguments, so Nancy Pelosi became Obama's sacrificial lamb and was set up to take the bate and she conveniently took the fall while Obama the fox got off the hook.

His spiritual actions are also striking as he ignores the tradition of all previous Presidents by not attending the National Day of Prayer breakfast. He specifically requests a picture of Jesus on the cross be removed from the wall that would be behind him when speaking at an event in Georgetown University.

The President found time to condemn the murder of the abortionist doctor but not a word on the murder by an Islamist who opened fire and killed a soldier in Arkansas. Both murders happened within hours of each other. 'America in not a Christian nation' says Obama, but 'the largest Muslim country.' We are actually number 38 on the list.

Anyone who dared to expose prior to his inauguration was instantly labeled a nut case or racist bigot, but outlined above are the policies, words and the actions of a President that could be argued is an accurate description of a President doing as much as he can to do the bidding for the Islamist agenda. We will see the future with more of Obama's lunatic policies when it comes to our defense but when his stardom wanes, enough Americans will finally get it and the danger this man poses to the safety of this nation and the free world will limit him to one term and maybe in 2010 if the Republicans can get their act together retake control the House of Representative to blunt some of this insanity.

Walid Shoebat
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Jun 3, 2009